What is Circadian Rhythm & How Does it Affect Sleep?

What is Circadian Rhythm & How Does it Affect Sleep?

Trouble sleeping is often the result of a messed-up circadian rhythm. When your rhythm is out of sync, it’s hard to fall asleep and wake up refreshed. So what is your circadian rhythm? And how does it affect sleep health? Here’s everything you need to know.

Your circadian rhythm is essentially an internal clock controlled by daylight. When your environment gets brighter in the morning, it cues the brain’s sleep/wake cycle. Light enters your eyes and stimulates retinal cells. In turn, the cells tell your brain to wake up and stay alert. The opposite happens at night as it gets dark — retinal cells tell your brain to get sleepy.

Blue light waves have the biggest influence on this cycle. The sun is the main producer of blue light in your everyday life, so your brain uses sunrise/sunset as a reference point for sleep. When the sun goes down and the blue light fades, your brain knows it’s bedtime.

Your circadian rhythm has a direct impact on your sleep health. Your brain releases hormones when it gets sleep/wake signals from the sun. To fall asleep, your brain releases melatonin via the pineal gland. To wake up, you get a blend of cortisol and other chemicals, boosting alertness.

In a healthy circadian rhythm, those hormones are released in response to sunlight. But unfortunately, the sun isn’t the only light source that can influence your sleep/wake cycle. Computer screens and indoor lighting can confuse your internal clock. Being exposed to lights after sunset tricks your brain into daytime mode. As a result, your circadian rhythm gets thrown off. Without darkness, your body won’t properly release sleep hormones — leading to insomnia. When you finally fall asleep, your irregular circadian rhythm can disrupt sleeping patterns throughout the night. This leaves you tired in the morning and makes it harder to fall asleep the next night.

So what can you do if your circadian rhythm is out of sync? Are you stuck with bad sleep?


Thankfully, resetting your circadian rhythm isn’t very hard. 


  • Don’t use screens at night. Looking at computer screens and TVs at night will keep you awake and leave you exhausted in the morning. Stop using screens at least 30 minutes before bed.

  • Go to bed and wake up on time. It’s easier said than done, but going to bed and waking up at the same time every day will really help your sleep/wake cycle.

  • Use bright light therapy. Since light controls your circadian rhythm, exposure to bright light in the morning can help you get back in sync. Use a sunrise alarm to ease yourself into the day, or turn on bright indoor lights first thing in the morning (especially if you need to wake up before sunrise).

  • Dim indoor lights at night. Start dimming and turning off indoor lights about 1 hour before bed. This mimics sunset so your brain understands that it’s almost time for sleep. In bright locations, use blackout curtains and a sleep mask to fully block excess light.

    Controlling light exposure is the best way to keep your circadian rhythm in check. But avoiding stimulating light isn’t always possible. Blue light can be hard to escape, whether it’s indoor lighting or computer screens. That’s where Ocusleep can help.

    Ocusleep glasses feature unique lenses that prevent blue wavelengths from entering your eyes. No more hiding from blue light after sunset. Ocusleep glasses will block stimulating light and keep your circadian rhythm in check. For the best results, experts recommend wearing sleep glasses starting 2 hours before bed. That gives your brain enough time to release melatonin and prepare for sleep — keeping your circadian rhythm synced with daylight. Ocusleep lenses block the full range of blue wavelengths that trigger wakefulness. And unlike other options, sleep glasses are a completely natural solution that works long-term. 

    Combine Ocusleep glasses with other healthy habits to reset your circadian rhythm and maintain a healthy sleep schedule.

    Healthy sleep doesn’t have to be complicated. With a few lifestyle changes and Ocusleep glasses, you can quickly reset your circadian rhythm and wake up refreshed. Order Ocusleep glasses with standard or prescription lenses today. Try the 14-day challenge and sleep better in 2 weeks, or your money back. 

    Wear Ocusleep for a healthier circadian rhythm. Guaranteed.

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